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6 Health Conditions Your Eye Exam Can Uncover

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It is essential to go to your eye doctor and get a check-up every year or so. Going to the eye doctor should be part of your regular healthcare routine. Your eye doctor will be able to monitor the overall health of your eyes. They will also be able to detect if you are suffering from other health conditions as well. Your eyes are the window to the soul and the window to your overall health. Read More»

The Tell-Tale Signs Of Cataracts

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One of the main causes of vision impairment in seniors is cataracts. The American Academy of Ophthalmology shows that up to 25 million Americans who are 40 years and above suffer from cataracts. The study further states that half of all Americans suffer from cataracts by the time they turn 75 years. Here are some tell-tale signs of cataracts. Cloudy Days The major sign of cataracts is blurry vision. As you age, the lens of your eye becomes cloudy. Read More»